Central American Youth Leadership Conference

Central American Youth Leadership Conference
September 19, 2015

Central American Youth Speak at la Fiesta Juliana in MacArthur Park in Los Angeles

If you know a youth who will benefit from the resources that will be provided at the conference you can now register at:


Youth must register to receive a free lunch, t-shirt and event bag at the event

More to come… email us if you would like to be a sponsor at pguadron@homiesunidos.org

Central American youth and families from various schools will benefit from the resource fair, health resources, educational workshops and cultural activities provided by organizations and the youth themselves.

We want to thank HIPGive and all who have supported our fund drive.
If you want to be a sponsor for the conference, please contact us for

Sponsorship Opportunities

In solidarity with Central American Refugees (CAR), Homies Unidos is proposing to put together the first locally-accessible Central American Youth Leadership Conference. The main purpose will be to ensure that these refugee youth feel welcomed, to celebrate and promote Central American art and culture, provide health resources and on-the-spot referrals, facilitate a legal resources workshop, showcase their stories and experiences, build a supportive community, and create opportunities for positive feedback and self-esteem-building.

Porque una conferencia?

With your support we will be able to:
Provide training for 15 CAR youth this summer through our Youth Leadership Training to learn about how tell their stories and advocate to elected officials and community about their experience to gain support and start healing.

  • Youth Leadership graduates will spearhead the organizing of the Central American Youth Conference In September 19, 2015 at Santee Educational Complex.

  • Facilitate a preventive holistic health process of integration of the youth, which will be launched within the youth conference.

  • Youth will enjoy Central American art, culture and music to address issues of identity.

Homies Unidos started reaching out to schools and community service providers to refer CAR youth who needs mental health or legal services. As part of a preventive strategy we began implementing the National Compadres Network’s Joven Noble curriculum, character development program to provide a safe space where they can express themselves with indigenous traditional tools. Even though, with limited resources we have served over 58 youth in four different schools: Santee High, Hawthorne High, Hawkins High and L.A. River. Through this Conference we will address the need to bring youth from other schools where to a place where they can share experiences and be introduced to health and legal services providers among other resources.

Please give!

Participating Collaborating Partner:

More to come… email us if you would like to be a sponsor at pguadron@homiesunidos.org


Youth Trip to the School of the Americas Watch Vigil


HIPGive2Health, Together We Can Heal Our Central American Refugee Youth